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mCAFE: Microbial Community Analysis and Functional Evaluation in Soils

Gut Microbe Origin and the Environment

Cyanobacterial Biogeography and Strain Variation

Subsurface Microbiology of Crystal Geyser

Lake Tyrell - A Hypersaline Environment

East River Catchment in Crested Butte, CO

A Genome-resolved Understanding of Rice-paddy Microbial Communities and Methane Dynamics

Bioremediation of Thiocyanate

Microbial Diversity, Metabolic Potential, and Roles in Biogeochemical Cycling in the Terrestrial Subsurface

Discovery of New Microbial Genes and Pathways of Utility for Genome Editing


Soil Microbial Carbon Cycling

Terrestrial Deep Subsurface Biosphere in Japan

The Human Microbiome

Acid Mine Drainage Community Study
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